Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Journeyman Pictures : Documentary Distributor, Documentaries on Demand, DVD, Educational, Footage : Journeyman Pictures

Independent Excellent Short Documentaries "Journeyman Pictures is like a video encyclopedia of the world with over 5,000 films." The films offer snippets but one must purchase streaming time $6/day or $200/year.

But there are a small selection of them on YouTube. Sample: a beautiful and moving 12 minute film is Banking on Change - India "J.S Parthibhan is a bank manager with a difference: he's interested in people, not numbers. Through micro loans, he helps villagers in rural areas develop a sense of entrepreneurship."

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tim Berners-Lee: The year open data went worldwide | Video on

Open Data Here in 5 minutes is how the internet is changing the way the world works. How single human beings scattered the world over are hearing and helping each other.

Tim Berners-Lee is the chap who invented HTML - the code that transformed the internet from text to it's modern multimedia format. A year ago he called for an open sharing of data. Here is his report of what has happened. The process he describes happening in mapping in Haiti right now is simply stunning.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

John Battelle's Searchblog

The Database of Intentions Here's a worthy essay. An explanation in human terms of the technical structures changing everything.

"The Database of Intentions is simply this: The aggregate results of every search ever entered, every result list ever tendered, and every path taken as a result. This information represents, in aggregate form, a place holder for the intentions of humankind - a massive database of desires, needs, wants, and likes that can be discovered, supoenaed, archived, tracked, and exploited to all sorts of ends. Such a beast has never before existed in the history of culture, but is almost guaranteed to grow exponentially from this day forward. This artifact can tell us extraordinary things about who we are and what we want as a culture. And it has the potential to be abused in equally extraordinary fashion.