Monday, January 28, 2008

Joost - What's Joost?

Internet TV for Free Here is another source of the new internet tv. Full Screen size. Not by subscription as MIRO, but by browsing their content menus. They are just passing out of their experimental phase, and being new, their presentation is rather friendly and their downloadable interface is easier than most. They offer a mix of the small independent video blogger, and the professional videographers. These include entertainment and documentary sources. And some actual archived tv shows. Check it out. An example. A 25 minute film from Amnesty International Ten Videos That Will Change Your Mind About Human Rights.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Big Think - We Are What You Think

New Video AggregatorThese folks want to participate in the new internet with it's sharing of serious comment. The idea here is to gather conversations around ideas. They divide the categories into physical and meta-physical. Experts interact with netizens. The formats of participation are unique. It's only a few days old but they are starting with 3877 ideas. Check it out.