Wednesday, August 27, 2008

tao te ching @

tao te ching Matt Paul has done a lovely index of this ancient wisdom.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Peking Olympialaiset 2008 - Urheilukuvaajan päiväkirjasta

Peking Olympialaiset 2008 - Urheilukuvaajan päiväkirjasta This is the olympic blog of Finnish sports photographer Kari Kuuckka. His work is terrific. The blog is written in Finnish but can be translated to poor english. Google Translation of this page. A few of his shots are 360 degree panoramas. Check this out Photographers just before Men's 100 Meter If you hit the F11 key you'll get full screen. If you click drag from any spot, the picture will scroll in that direction and accelerate. Try up and down also - it's a half sphere.