Friday, August 17, 2007

Foxit Software

Foxit Software
These folks have developed pdf readers and editors in competition to Adobe. Like Adobe they offer a free reader and sell the more complex features. But what is particularly good is that their reader is efficient. It presents pdf documents almost instantaneously, and does not advertise itself constantly. Very very nice. Highly recommended.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Twitter / OceanDoctor

Twitter / OceanDoctor

dr. david e guggenheim is oceandoctor. and boy is he plugged into web 2.0. this interesting fellow isn't content with reporting every few days. here is is on twitter, reporting every hour or so. in fact he's a particularly good example of what twitter is all about. check it out.

regular reports and photos from the exploration ship esperanza and its two mini subs. check out his blog

also check out david troy's - david takes the latest twitter post every 10 seconds and points on google world where it is. it's a fascinating glimpse of the world of ordinary folks. -
the web is getting more and more immediate with the latest technology is being made freely available to people and then becoming the new trend. now it is video feeds. presents feeds from private individuals with a computer and a webcam. some folks get rather organized, some not. the american presidential race has started and this is part of it.

Miro - free, open source internet tv and video player

Miro - free, open source internet tv and video player
this is the new "web2 tv" you may have heard about. but "tv" is a misleading sort of name. it's more like a magazine. an efficient way to keep in touch with an area, a discipline, a voice that you respect. and like a magazine it just comes to your house and you pick it up at your convenience. and like a magazine, you get only the best words and pictures.

miro is an open source all format media player. but what makes the difference is that they have an index with about 1500 video feeds. all free. just subscribe and they show up in your computer to view at your convenience. many are hidef. very easy. much better than surfing to the source websites.

check out "national geographic" "democracy now" "ted talks"